Accelerate Improvement

Our collaborative model leverages partnerships between health systems, payers, community development, social services, business, education, public health, policy, and neighborhood-based resources to accelerate data-informed improvements in equitable population and community health. We align on strategic priorities and key activities, including evidence-based and innovative interventions that support our shared agenda for change.

Our quality improvement method starts with identifying clear aims associated with the strategic priority area(s) identified by the stakeholders. We agree upon primary and secondary drivers most closely associated with the aims and then prioritize change ideas believed to have the highest potential impact on outcomes and the most feasibility to implement. We begin with small, incremental interventions and changes and measure results in a short period of time to inform necessary adjustments and modifications until the most ideal path for improvement emerges that can be considered for further expansion and scale. Sometimes referred to as the "Plan, Do, Study, Act" (PDSA) process, this cycle facilitates testing a change by planning it, trying it, observing the results, and acting on what is learned. The PDSA cycle was published by W. Edwards Deming in The New Economics for Industry, Government, and Education (Cambridge, MA; The MIT press; 2000).


Join The Region’s Most Trusted Health Improvement Collaborative

We bring health care, social services, and community members together to share best practices and accelerate data-informed improvements in equitable population and community health.

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