Better Health Partnership is honored to be among 11 recipients of a 2021 Community Impact Award presented by Dominion Energy, co-sponsored by Cleveland Magazine, and in partnership with the City Club of Cleveland. Projects that received awards met the following criteria:
- Made a major contribution to a community’s social or economic revitalization
- Support diversity, equity and inclusion
- Describe how COVID-19 changed the organization’s ability to equitably make an impact

The award presented to Better Health Partnership uplifts the extensive efforts in the region, spearheaded by community health centers, to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 testing and vaccines – especially for at-risk populations living in underserved communities.
Central to these efforts was the creation of Northeast Ohio (NEO) Community Health Centers’ COVID Collaborative including Asian Services in Action, Care Alliance Health Center, Neighborhood Family Practice, Northeast Ohio Neighborhood Health Services, Signature Health and The Centers. Better Health Partnership convened the health centers with government, payers, public health, hospitals, and the faith-based community on a weekly basis to ensure a comprehensive, coordinated approach was used to address barriers and improve access in neighborhoods with higher social vulnerability and lower testing or vaccination rates. As the recovery continues, Better Health Partnership together with community health centers continue to build on the connections formed with stakeholders to develop strategies that will address other health issues that disproportionately affect underserved members of the Northeast Ohio community.
We thank Dominion Energy and its partners for this prestigious award and extend our congratulations to our fellow 2021 Community Impact Award recipients:
- Akron Zoological Park
- Buckeye Hills Foundation
- Cleveland Institute of Music
- Community Legal Aid Services Inc.
- Midtown Cleveland Inc.
- Providence House Inc.
- Soldiers of Honor
- StarkFresh
- The Children's Museum of Cleveland
- United Way of Greater Stark County